Adjusting Emitters

Before we go on for this section, please keep in mind that all the particles must be generated by emitters. Therefore, modifying the settings for the emitters, such as the direction or the volume etc., crucially effects particles.

Please scroll up to the top of the Modify tab. You will see the Effect tag.


iClone particle%20modify%20emitter1 Adjusting Emitters


  • iClone mod%20emitter%20list Adjusting Emitters – All the emitters in your project are listed in this drop down list.

  • iClone mod remove Adjusting Emitters – Click to remove selected emitter. Notice that this can not be undone once you remove a emitter.

Link to

  • iClone mod%20link%20list Adjusting Emitters – This drop down list contains everything that can be taken as the linked target. Once you select an emitter, this list will be updated to the linked target accordingly.

  • iClone mod%20link Adjusting Emitters – Press this button and you will be prompted a dialog box in which the node hierarchy of the linked target shows.

  • iClone mod%20link%20to%20sub%20node Adjusting Emitters

  • You may link your emitter RELATIVELY to any node by simply click to one of them. Click here for more details about the node structure if your target is a character.


  • iClone mod import Adjusting Emitters – Press this button to locate the emitter files (*.vns). When the capacity of your custom folder is too small and you must move away your customized emitter files to another directory, this feature is quite useful to import them back.


If you totally understand how the emitter links to its parent, please read the following section for further adjustments to the emitter itself.


Emitter Setting

iClone particle%20modify%20emitter2 Adjusting Emitters

Start Frame

  • Start Frame – You may set the desired frame number for the emitter to start to emit particles. The range is from 1 to End Frame.

  • End Frame – The emitter stops to eject particle after the frame number you set. The range is from Start Frame to 18000 (The maximum number of frames for each project).

  • Repeat – Check if you want the emitter to emit constantly as you play back the project. The End Frame is disabled when this box is checked.

Example for Start Frame:

Motion: Right hand animation applied. (Hand animation template: count2)
Particle: (fire1, fire2, fire3, fire4) link to four fingers of the character.
Start Frame for each particle: (50, 100, 157, 220)

iClone count1 Adjusting Emitters iClone count2 Adjusting Emitters
iClone count3 Adjusting Emitters iClone count4 Adjusting Emitters


Emit Rate

  • Quota – This defines how many particles are provided when the project plays back. Once the amount of the particle alive hits the number of Quota, the emitter pauses to send off particles.

  • Emit Rate – This enforces the emitter to eject specified number of particles per second.


Emit Volume

Please keep in mind first that there is an invisible cube container in which emitters distribute averagely.

  • Emit Volume – There are three parameters which modify the dimension of the container. Since the emitters spread averagely within this container, they can create an illusion that the volume of the particles is increased.

  • Position – These X-Y-Z parameters move the cube of emitters to a specific position in your project.

iClone cube x y z Adjusting Emitters

(100, 100, 100)

iClone cube 0 y z Adjusting Emitters

(0, 100, 100)

iClone cube x 0 z Adjusting Emitters

(100, 0, 100)

iClone cube x y 0 Adjusting Emitters

(100, 100, 0)



With the idea of longitude and latitude system, the emitter obtains the direction for sending off the particles. Please notice that the effect can be observed when the Velocity parameter increases.

  • Longitude – This value decides the degree of the angle on the floor. 0 degree sets the direction along the positive X-axis. The range is from -180 to 180 degrees.

  • Latitude – This value lifts up/push down the direction to the north/south pole. The range is from -90 to 90 degrees in which 90 degrees set the direction to up.

iClone direction 0 0 Adjusting Emitters

(0, 0)

iClone direction 90 0 Adjusting Emitters

(90, 0)

iClone direction  135 0 Adjusting Emitters

(-135, 0)

iClone direction 0 90 Adjusting Emitters

(0, 90)

iClone direction 0  45 Adjusting Emitters

(0, -45)




To understand these two parameters, you must think of a pyramid in your mind first. The top of the pyramid is the position for the emitter and it ejects particles straight to the bottom of the pyramid.

  • Spread – This value decides the angle of the two opposite sides (the red and green lines in the illustration as Diagonal equals to 0) of the pyramid. The range is from 0 to 180.

  • Diagonal – This value specifies the rotation angle of the diagonal line (the blue line in the illustration) of the pyramid bottom. The range is also from 0 to 180. Please notice that the area will be maximized when the Diagonal is set to 45 and 135 degrees.

iClone sandd000 Adjusting Emitters

Diagonal = 0 degree

iClone sandd045 Adjusting Emitters

Diagonal = 45 degrees

iClone sandd090 Adjusting Emitters

Diagonal = 90 degrees

 ”Diagonal value changes from 0 to 90 degrees



Direction Randomness

  • Velocity – This value assigns the speed to each particle for moving. The range is from 0 to 99999.

iClone v250 Adjusting Emitters iClone v500 Adjusting Emitters


  • Direction Randomness – Initially, each particle moves along a path of a fixed straight line. This attribute distorts this line so the particles move individually along different distorted lines. The range is from 0 to 359. Each particle slightly changes its direction randomly in accordance with the angle from x, y and z axis. It is useful when you want the particles to imitate the motion of the snow or falling leaves.

iClone dr0 Adjusting Emitters

Direction Randomness = 0

iClone dr30 Adjusting Emitters

Direction Randomness = 30


If you are already familiar with how the settings for the emitters, please go to next section:

Moving, rotating emitters


Adjusting Particles

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Adjusting Emitters