Mapping Method

Types of Texture Mapping – ways to wrap bitmap Images around a 3D surface

Users can use the following UV Types to wrap the bitmap image around a 3D surface regardless of it’s original UV coordinates. Simply choose the UV type to best fit the topology of your target 3D model.

iClone image mapping ui 2 Mapping Method












Revert – revert all textures and returns to using the default UV mapping coordinates.

The following sample depicts different texture alignment generated from various UV types.

1. Import a cylinder in iClone

iClone image021 Mapping Method

2. Open an image from the props modify tab

iClone image023 Mapping Method

3. We will get this result in iClone

iClone image025 Mapping Method

4. Adjustment in UV Type

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  • Tile number – adjust the repeat number of the tile in x or y direction, or fine tune the texture size. If the number is < 1, then it enlarges the size of the texture. iClone allows the tile number precision level to be 0.1

  • UV Offset – offset the texture location on the 3d object to fine tune the size and alignment (allow offset precision level to 0.01)

  • Rotation – rotate the angle of texturing

Texture Offset, Tiling and Rotation

UV Adjustment Comparison V Box mapping sample

After we map a texture , we can adjust texture mapping by these way :

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Mapping Method