Creating 3D Films in Real-time

This tutorial helps you create your first 3D film. Here you will learn how to:

Before you begin this tutorial you must first define a project. You can use either a project you have created yourself, or one of the existing template projects.

Click the Project iClone project Creating 3D Films in Real time button and double click one of the projects in the file manager pane to open it. For these tutorials we recommend that you start with the Default template. Double click the Default project in the file manager pane or just click the New Project iClone new4 Creating 3D Films in Real time button. It’s a basic project with only one default character in the scene. You can add new elements to it, like more characters, scenery, props or animated cameras, and change any existing elements in real-time.


You can save changes to your project by clicking the Save iClone save Creating 3D Films in Real time button. Select a name and a location on your hard disk to save the project and click the Save iClone save2 Creating 3D Films in Real time button.

iClone save%20box Creating 3D Films in Real time


Press the Add iClone add Creating 3D Films in Real time button to add the current project to the Custom tab. The Custom tab hold the library of items you create and save inside iClone.

Creating 3D Films in Real-time