Exporting to Mobile Devices

The export to mobile area is split into 4 sections: Format, Output Size, Render Quality, and Output Range.


  1. Use the Format drop down list to choose a suitable format for your mobile device.

iClone mobile Exporting to Mobile Devices

  1. If your mobile device does not appear in the drop-downlist of the preset devices, click the Advanced iClone advanced Exporting to Mobile Devices button to define a custom format for your device. You may need to contact the manufacturer of your particular device to ascertain the correct format for your device.

iClone mobile%20format Exporting to Mobile Devices

Output size

You can define the size of the exported video in the output size field. Select a value from the drop-down list.

Render quality

The render quality can be set to Quick or Fine using the radio buttons. Check the Anti-Aliased check-box to export an anti-aliased image. An anti-aliased output will produce an image with less jagged edges and pixilated areas.

Click the Estimate iClone estimate Exporting to Mobile Devices button to calculate an estimate of the output file size.

Output range

You can either export the entire video, or just a range of frames. Select the output range using the radio buttons in the Output Range field. You can also select the Frame Rate here using the slider bar.

iClone video%20format2 Exporting to Mobile Devices

The output range can also be set using the 2 triangle markers below the play bar.

iClone rrange marker Exporting to Mobile Devices

Click the Export iClone export2 Exporting to Mobile Devices button to export the image sequence.

Exporting to Mobile Devices