CloneCloth – Creating Your Own Fashion Designs and Collections
(G2 Characters Only)

iClone 2 provides you an easy and powerful method to create a custom character wardrobe. Using an image-editor application installed on your system, you can be a fashion designer too.

Remember, there are two categories of G2 characters. One is with only a single layer of skin, like the G1 characters. The other is more realistic since the characters are designed to be garmented with clothes on them, which means there are two layers (the body layer and the cloth layer) for each avatar. Simply modify the opacity texture of the upper body and you will see the differences. CloneCloth is designed to work only with G2 avatars that possess an outer garment 2nd layer mesh.

iClone singlelayer CloneCloth   Creating Your Own Fashion Designs and Collections

Single Layer

iClone doublelayer CloneCloth   Creating Your Own Fashion Designs and Collections

Double Layers (body & cloth)


The Upper Body, Lower Body, and Shoes for the G2 characters only work with G2 character bodies. G1 character upper, lower and shoe will only work with G1 characters. G1 and G2 body segments are not interchangeable due to the different skeletal systems used by each character body style.

G2 CloneCloth characters are larger in size, and take more computing power for dual-layer mesh rendering.

There are only two pre-installed characters in the G2 character folder of the file manager. For purchasing all the characters, please visit our website:



CloneCloth – Creating Your Own Fashion Designs and Collections