Applying Hand Gesture

The right and left hands of your character can be adjusted to display various preset gestures.

To set a hand gesture:

  1. Click the Animation iClone animate Applying Hand Gesture Template button.

  2. Click the Hands iClone hands Applying Hand Gesture Template button.

  3. Select a hand gesture from the template tab, or the custom tab if you have any custom hand gesture saved.

iClone gesture template Applying Hand Gesture Template

  1. Click the Apply iClone applybutton Applying Hand Gesture Template button or double-click the thumbnail to apply the hand gesture to the current character.


  • These templates affect both hands altogether. If you want the hands to move individually, you must use timeline editor to animate hands respectively.

  • These templates are stored in an independent folder from the right and left hands templates: C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 2\Template\iClone Template\Hands. (using default path during installation)

Applying Hand Gesture Template