Rules of Linkage
Please keep in mind that the linking object and the target object are also referred to as child node and parent node before we start this section.
Align Position to the Target Object
When the linkage is performed with the Align Position to Parent box checked, iClone aligns the Pivot of the child node to the parent node.
The initial look
(Pose is applied to the character)
Link to the node on the back of the horse.
Character is aligned to the horse
Rotate the horse to another direction,
the character will also rotate along
with the horse-
It is strongly recommended to rotate the child to the appropriate orientation before the linkage is performed with the Align Position to Parent box checked.
Normally, a Pivot of a 3D object refers to the center of the object (bounding-box-based).
Sometimes a Pivot can be intentionally set to another location for certain purpose. Take the character in iClone for example, the Pivot is located at the center of both soles.
The pivot of the character -
Timing of Linkage
Please note that the linkage result can be varied in accordance with the timing you link two objects.
if you want to have a consistent linkage effect during the whole animation, please apply Link to at the 1st frame.
First Frame
Link to the swing
Link to the Scene Root
Middle Frame
Link to the Swing
Link and Unlink
If the Align Position to Parent is checked, the original offset values of the child node will be temporally disregarded, two objects aligned at the pivot position. If you unlink (or set Link to to the Scene Root) them, then the child resumes to it’s original offset position.
Object is offset before linkage
The offsets are disregarded after linkage
If an object has been linked and aligned to a parent already, invoke the Link to Sub-Node dialog box and click OK to leave the dialog box without making any change, the result might be unexpected since the Rotate and Scale data are retrieved again.
Keep the Linkage Relationships
The linkage can only be kept in a project. If you separately add characters or props with a child into the custom library, the child, accessories excluded, will be ignored and removed.
If you merge props containing linkage data, the merged prop will be linked to the scene root only.
Recursive Linkage is prohibited. If A links to B, B can not link back to A.